If you have a concern

The members of the institute’s student council are the first to notice bottlenecks and shortcomings in their institute’s organisation of studies or the study environment. They mostly make up one-fifth of the institute’s council and are there as members with the right to speak and submit proposals for changes. 

When should you turn to the student union? 

If you feel that something is unfair in the organisation of studies or that the study environment needs fixing, turn to your institute’s student representatives first.


Find your representatives


General contacts

Frequently asked questions

Pilt Tartu Ülikooli Üliõpilasesindusest 2023. aasta sügisel.

2024/2025 Student Representatives

Pilt Tartu Ülikooli üliõpilasesindusest 2023. aastal.

Student representatives

Pilt meditsiinivaldkonna üliõpilasesindusest 2024. aastal.

Representatives of the Faculty of Medicine